Electronic music is not for everyone. I remember listening to it for the first time and almost choking on my own saliva. It was not a pretty sight. I'm sure some of you will have the same impression of electronic music as I did, but after it grew on me after a while.
This genre of music is definitely not what most people would imagine it to be. I remember thinking that it would be music put together on the computer using recorded music played on instruments. Little did I know about electronic music before listening to Notjustmoreidlechatter by Paul Lansky.
I remember thinking "it really isn't more than idle chatter, it sounds like a whole crowd of people in a conversation". Surprising, this song has harmony to it. Contrary to the noise-like nature of the song, Notjustmoreidlechatter is actually based on different chords with a "rock feel". It features a repeating bass chord progression and has thousands of random synthesized word fragments that are in completely unrecognizable text. Voices are synthesized and frames and used to filter artificial sounds produced by a buzz generator. Lansky also uses white noise to produce consonants while the buzz generator controls the pitch and the rhythm of the "chatter". This results in the computer generated sounds that have "human" qualities, similar to a voice.